About Stack Team App

Our Story

Our Passion

Team Mates is the company that created Stack Team App, with a passion for supporting local community sporting clubs. We are thrilled to bring this exciting mobile app and website solution to your local team.

We understand that running a sporting club is like running a business, so have developed a product that will help your club become significantly more successful off-field, enabling you to focus on what’s most important – on-field success!

Man on Basketball Court

What is Stack Team App?

Stack Team App is a platform that allows teams and social groups to improve communication by creating their very own customizable smartphone app with a dynamically updating website - choose from a huge range of features and create your app in less than 10 minutes.

Utilising the latest mobile technology, Stack Team App has addressed two main concerns with running a sports club:

  • Making life easier for volunteers via simplified communication to all members.
  • Generating additional revenue via commercial opportunities and increased member engagement.

Stack Team App was developed via extensive market research gained from club presidents, coaches, players, supporters, parents and successful business people, all of whom have critical input in running a successful sporting club.

Why use Stack Team App?

If your club can benefit from improved communication, greater commercial opportunities, improved cash-flow and better attended social functions then Stack Team App is for you. Creating your Stack Team App also creates a website that dynamically updates with your app. Stack Team App realises that sporting clubs are an evolving landscape, so we will regularly provide innovative new features for clubs and teams at all levels.

We hope you enjoy Stack Team App – we will ensure you won’t get left behind.

Laptop and Phone