Youth Club Features


The Communication Hub for Youth Clubs

Stack Team App provides the perfect solution for managing a youth club, as it enables you to align parents/guardians to child members who do not have a Stack Team App account as they have no e-mail address.

Simply set-up access groups for your various teams via the access groups button on the dashboard, then go to members / bulk import to enter your child members in bulk via a CSV upload with appropriate guardian alignments – either Primary or Non-Primary. Primary guardians will receive push notifications and e-mails, plus have the authority to respond in the app on behalf of the child for things like RSVP’s, Availabilities and Player Profiles. Non-Primary guardians will receive notifications and e-mails but will have view-only rights – perfect for Grandparents.

You can also manually enter children into the app one-by-one via the members’ button, and via the details of each member individually align children/guardian to members as required. Parents/guardians can be aligned to multiple children in the app, and children can have as many guardians as you wish – parents, grandparents, other family members etc… so when you move a child member from Under 10’s to Under 11’s from season-to-season, the guardian alignments go with them.

Stack Team App has an ‘availabilities’ button that can be switched on for your app. Within that button, Primary Guardians can enter an availability on behalf of their child with future dates they may not be available to play. This is a great way for coaches to know in advance when someone is away on holidays or unavailable due to injury.

Many older kids will have their own smartphone or iPad which means they can join Stack Team App with their own account. You can still align guardians to these members, but may want to make them Non-Primary only, as a child with their own Stack Team App account can respond on behalf of themselves in the app.

With the ability to align parents/guardians to a child membership, it makes it easy to collect RSVP’s and track attendance for the players only, still knowing the parents/guardians are getting all the info. they need, with the ability to respond on their child’s behalf when appropriate.