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Mel’s Wrap up of FIS ANC Race 3&4 and training camp
5 Sep 2019 by Bec Rostron
ANC races 3&4 Ethan, Courtney, Lachy, Subeen, Kennedy and Andy after a great week of training ( with Rhett ) took part in the FIS SBX festival of races 3&4. An international contingent rocked Hotham Alpine Resort in the hunt for precious FIS points to help their seeding, ranking and to cement a World Cup spot. Day one was training where the course caused havoc taking World Cup riders from japan, Germany, China and our own Aussie boys and girls off their feet as the warm weather softened up the track making full track runs difficult as the yellow flag came out run after run slowing riders down to avoid carnage.
Race 1 - Men – 59 competitors Ladies- 25 competitors Ethan qualified 20th and finished 26th, Courtney qualified 7th and made the small final finishing 7 overall an outstanding result and hopefully sets her in good standing for Youth Olympics selection. Subeen finished 5th and Kennedy 12th Andy 41st and Lachy missed a gate at the bridge on what was the trickiest turn of the course and DQ in the chopped up conditions.
Ladies 1st Belle Brockhoff ( Australia ) 2nd Hanna Ihedioha ( Germany ) 3rd Mia Clift ( Australia )
Men 1st Yoshiki Takahara ( Japan ) 2nd Cameron Bolton ( Australia ) 3rd Paul Berg ( Germany )
Race 2 - Men – 59 competitors Ladies – 25 competitors Both Andy and Lachy put down solid, clean runs after fast training runs, a great goal achieved. Ethan crashed – not the way he wanted to end his first full season at Hotham, especially after clocking 74km/hr at training but that’s racing folks. Courtney qualified 15th and finished 15th after a crash on third last turn trying for a pass. Subeen finished in 7th and Kennedy finished 11th.
Ladies 1st Jana Fischer ( Germany ) 2nd Mia Clift ( Australia ) 3rd Hanna Ihedioha ( Germany )
Men 1st Yoshiki Takahara ( Japan ) 2nd Umito Kirchwehm ( Germany ) 3rd Adam Dickson ( Australia )
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