
Power Attack “3 Bowls Pairs” 4 Games of 5 Ends + Dinner.

Fri, 22 Nov 2019
from 6:00pm to 9:45pm

by Ken Ford
Posted: about 5 years ago
Updated: about 1 year ago by Ken Ford
Visible to: public

Time zone: Brisbane
Reminder: 3 days before
Ends: 09:45pm (duration is about 4 hours)


Welcome all, Wellers Hill Community Sports Club.

Enter a team and enjoy dinner all in under 4 hours of fun. Friday 22nd of November, 2019 and every Friday evening up until 20/12/2019 and re starting 3/1/2020 every Friday Night. Pending the Success of the event.

Condition of Play
1. Self selected Pairs names on sheet by 5.00pm before start of play. (Single entry allowable)
2. Late entries will be accepted if uneven numbers.
3. Play starts 6.00pm and casual attire or team sponsor wear.
4. Four Games of 5 ends with random drawn power play ends. (One power play end each game)
5. Two (2) Games played – Dinner 7.25 – 8.00pm – Two (2) Games played finish 9.25pm.
6. No Dead ends, Re-spot the jack at two meter spot or closest point on the Line if spot is taken by a bowl.
7. Power play end will be double the score of shots won example 6 shots = 12 to score.
8. Winner move up by one in rink numbers (unless playing at the highest rink number will move to the lowest rink no.)
9. Five (5) ends played – bowls remain at the end finish for start of play – next game with winner only move up a rink.
10. Result – no. of game Won, if equal – result highest total +/- margin, if equal – total shots on Power Play, if equal – total ends won, if still no result winner and runner up prize split between winners. Winner of one prize not eligible for round winning prize.
($100) Winner & ($50) Runner up & ($10) Game Winners with Jackpot Draw (starts at $60) Cost $50.00 per team + BBQ Dinner.
All teams cards eligible for chance to win the Jackpot.


Wellers Hill Bowls Club


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Limit: 32 members.

71 people invited.
141 people did not reply.

11 people replied 'yes'.

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  • [2019-Nov-19 06:34 PM] Ken Ford: Updated
  • [2019-Nov-19 06:35 PM] Ken Ford: Updated
  • [2019-Nov-20 11:40 AM] Ken Ford: Updated

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