20 Apr 2020 by 1stSgt Hilliard

Just want to make sure everyone is aware of how grading is and will take place for grades 9 to 11.
The 3 quarter was completed on Mar 13th the numeric grade you see in powerschool only reflects 3rd quarter.
 If we can return to the classroom, we will take what you have completed in Canvas and count that as your 4th quarter grade and combine the two for a final numeric grade.

Teachers and GCS have come up with 5 to 7 Concepts/Goals for each class which is what your course work in Canvas should be aligned to. If we do not return this semester, teachers will take what you have completed in Canvas and if you have achieved those 5 to 7 concepts/goals will give you a complete. If you do not you will be withdrawn from the course. It is very important that you do all the assignments in Canvas for all your classes!If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.    

    In honor of our High School SENIORS, spring student-athletes and essential workers, along with many other high schools in the county and neighboring counties-   Southeast Guilford High School will be turning ON our stadium lights tonight -  the 20th day of the month at 20:20 military time (8:20 PM) for 20 minutes.We want to encourage the SEGH Community and all other schools to participate by turning on their stadium lights and asking for all families to turn on their porch lights during the same time frame.  Help us spread the word! Copy and paste to all in our community!

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