Trial Athlete Information
4 Nov 2021 by Charlotte Robinson
Thank-you for registering to be a trial athlete of our club, we can’t wait to hopefully gain your membership and have your little athletes on board. Below I have listed a few things you will need to be familiar with before tomorrow nights competition.
1. To remain within our Covid-19 safe practises we only have 1 entry and exit gate onto the track. This gate is the main one, closest to our club rooms (near the playground and the top of the driveway) All other gates will be locked, so entry and exit may only occur there.
2. Anyone entering the track MUST sign in using our Services Victoria QR code.
3. Please PRINT out your trial athlete patch (1 for each child) that you would have received from LAVic as its important that it gets dated and signed upon arrival so we can keep track of all our trial athletes. It also helps us to distinguish who is or isn’t a trial athlete on the night.
4. I will be supplying all trial athletes with a small sheet outlining the steps to follow after your initial trial and how to register your kids after your sessions.
5. Please have your child wear appropriate athletic clothing; shorts/running tights,
t-shirt/singlet. Until they have registered fully you do not have to wear the official Moorabbin uniform, however if you do know you plan on joining, feel free to purchase on the night.
6. You’re more than welcome to bring along a snack and please remember to bring a full water bottle!
I may well have missed some points, so if you do have any questions please message me through any of our socials before tomorrow night.
I do have to outline that any results a trial athlete gets during the time they are trialling and NOT fully registered are NOT counted towards end of season awards. NO points will be scored by a trialling child until they have be paid and registered for.
Charli and the MLAC committee :)
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