As our centre is run by volunteers, we rely on help from parents to not only assist week to week to run the programs, but also on a limited number of rostered times throughout the season. These rostered duties involve setting and packing up equipment, helping with the bbq or on the recording tables etc. Should you not be able to fulfil your duty, you can contact us to arrange another time. Based on past seasons, the average number of duties per family per season has been approximately 2-3. So please be aware of this aspect of our Centre and expect an email at some point alerting you to your obligation to help out. The success of our club and ultimately the enjoyment and development of our children is a sum of all our efforts.
We like to provide a BBQ on Friday nights for all. However, we are still looking for a volunteer to be in charge of the BBQ each week as our BBQ Manager. WE NEED YOUR ASSISTANCE! If you are interested in being a General Committee Member to run our BBQ and to find out what the BBQ Manager role covers, please contact the Secretary via
moorabbin@lavic.com.au to discuss.
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