Penicuik Athletic YFC
Football - Soccer • Penicuik , Midlothian
Club Press Releases

Changes to Team App.

15 May 2020 by Scott MacDonald
Dear All

On response to some feedback yesterday I have made a couple of amendments in Team App today.

1. We now have a PAYFC Press Release Tab instead of news, there will be no ability to comment on any posts and this is where Most club announcements will be made when we are providing information.

2. We now have PAYFC Communications instead of chat, this is where any posts will be made which will require user interaction. If you receive a notification in this group and do not wish to follow the posts please click the 🔔 in the top right corner of that notification and as per the photo attached. This means you will see all notifications(if turned on) and can choose the ones you wish to follow.

I hope this will help and give people to confidence that they do not need to follow posts they are not taking part in like the Last Man Standing. This will be moved this evening from Press Releases to Communications to allow the above changes.

If anyone does have any other feedback please email

Many Thanks
Scott MacDonald