Additional training sessions

15 Nov 2019 by Holly Ray

Hi everyone,

Brad has booked us a training session on the morning of Sunday 24 November (time to be confirmed) at Goalrilla in Monty for those who can make it. The cost is $35 for the session so I can pay out of the kitty or we can each pay on the day, whatever suits. We were thinking of having breakfast afterwards either in a park or a cafe. Please let me me know if your son can make it and if you have a preference for a breakfast venue. I think it will be a good opportunity for the boys to get to know each other a bit better 😉

Also, we have the opportunity for an additional ongoing training on Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm also at Goalrilla. The cost is also $35 for the hour. Can you please get back to me ASAP and let me know who is keen for and extra training as Brad needs to book the court.

FYI – Goalrilla has a half court for five ring, one with an automatic feedback, so should be fun for the boys as well as being good for shooting practice 😊

Have a good Friday!


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