Junior Championship Training Next Week and Beyond

2 Jul 2020 by Brad McGregor

Good afternoon,

Pleased to share that bigpond likes the Eltham Wildcats again…

You may have seen communication from Basketball Victoria yesterday about the VJBL being postponed. from the planned July 17th start. For the most part this is due to the lockdown through parts of the north-west of Melbourne. For those involved in EDJBA… the plan remains an 18th July start.

For our Junior Championship program this starts to really put into question what happens from here for the VJBL. I’ve been pessimistic as most of you know for some time that the VJBL could resume; I’d love it too, but I just don’t see a clear path to that occurring safely. Due to this we’ve been pencilling together two strategies for us as alternative competitions for the Term 3 period. These options are now starting to probably get a little firmer at our end and are becoming more prepared than they were a fortnight ago. If the VJBL gets to a point where we cannot participate or it is cancelled, we are ready to swing immediately into action with either alternative. The purpose of this email is so if any announcement comes out, our Head Coaches and our Team Managers all know, the club is ready.

Regardless of what official news may come out regarding VJBL, for the sake of the kids, let’s remain committed to next week’s training commitments being maintained. Let’s help them try and keep some normal. To that, Rachel Morgan and Kate Roberts from our Wellbeing Panel have put together this outstanding newsletter to assist. I’d strongly encourage you to make sure you circulate to your teams.

Next meeting:
We are almost certain to have a Zoom meeting next week and it will be on short notice. I am concerned doing it in the evening any night next week, but keeping you abreast of what is happening is critical. If it means an Assistant runs training whilst you join the Zoom meeting in the stadium office… to get the important info, I will leave that upto you. I will confirm with you all, but I’d ask that you plan for a Zoom meeting at 6.45pm on Tuesday. This coordinates with the end of one group of trainings, so you can tune in immediately, but before the next group are due to begin. I will circulate this invitation if it is to occur on Tuesday morning, but please understand it is all based on what information I get and when.

Whether VJBL returns or we go with one of our two alternative options, there is a financial cost in doing so. Each team will get one training session per week (including the VC teams) through Term 3. Potential cost of either alternate path will be cheaper than that of the VJBL path and something we’re very conscious of in these difficult times for our families.

Next week’s training:
Jacob Burnham has kept training the same times for next week, please find attached. However, as promised we are upping the ante a little bit more. Each team will be allowed to have upto 10 spectators. So a maximum of 23 people. That breakdown typically will be 10 players, 10 spectators and 3 coaches/team managers. I understand most won’t get anywhere near the 23, but the number is there all the same. Please remind our families to maintain social distancing inside the venue as our Biosafety Officers will be asked to remind people on the night. All spectators will be required to keep to their court as the players are. All spectators/coaches/team managers will be required to sign in, with the TM writing down names of attending players.

I will say it, but I shouldn’t need too. Anyone be it a coach or player who comes from the hotspot, you are not allowed to attend. If you are feeling at all unwell, even a sniffle, let’s be smart for the moment and stay away from training. I’ve been really proud of my U18 girls putting up their hand and missing training and hope that would be the same across the board. Encourage it, welcome it and make sure they’re comfortable saying “I think I should stay home tonight.”

Thank you to you all for your patience and your work. Everything we’re all doing is to see kids back on the floor. As always, nothing on here is secret, you’re welcome to circulate to your team.


Greg Jeffers
Eltham Wildcats Basketball
Chief Executive Officer
Ph: 9439 5686

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