WVR Parkrun takeover

28 Feb 2020 by Marc Kendrick

We have had the briefing from Parkrun for tomorrow’s parkrun takeover.

A big thanks to Brent Lowson and Hereford Parkrun for letting us takeover the event.

Also a big thank you to Hereford Tri Club for lending us the pacer bibs.

The briefing is below….

Please arrive half an hour before the event starts for briefing and training.

Please bring your mobile phone along with you (if you have one) especially if you are a marshal or tail runner as you are our eyes and ears out on the course and it may be useful should an incident occur.

Thank you for your contribution. If you find you enjoy helping, please encourage others to get involved. We know it can seem a bit intimidating, but all our tasks are straight forward, and we give full training. Please spread the word it’s fun!

We look forward to seeing you on Saturday!

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