
EP Marching Band ABODA Competition - Prescott HS

Sat, 21 Sep
from 8:00am to 11:59pm

by Maggie Bixler
Posted: 5 months ago
Updated: about 1 hour ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Arizona
Reminder: None
Ends: 11:59pm (duration is about 16 hours)

Aboda Marching Band Invitational, Prescott High School Sep 21, 2024
Logistical Schedule Prescott High School- 1050 Ruth St., Prescott

We WILL be rehearsing this morning , the bandroom will be open 30 mins prior to rehearsal to move equipment. We will load trucks afterwards!

REMINDER: Anytime we travel and you are NOT in your performance uniform you must be wearing your EAGLE PRIDE PEP BAND TRACKSUIT!

7:15 AM Band room opens for rehearsal prep
8:00 AM Rehearsal (Schedule will be posted as normal for students!)
10:30 AM End Rehearsal, begin EPL (Eat, Pack, Load- MUST BE LOADED in > 60 mins)

Students will use this time to shine their instruments and load ALL TRUCKS before leaving for Lunch!! If we work together we can finish it quickly!! Thank you parents for your help!!*

2:30 PM Bandroom Open- Students will show up with ALL items needed for performance!
3:00 PM CALL TIME- Students must be in FULL EAGLE PRIDE BAND PEP BAND TRACKSUIT sitting in auditorium!
3:30 PM Depart for Prescott High School
5:10 PM Arrive at Prescott High School, unload buses/trucks/dress, bathrooms
6:00 PM Move to Silent Visual Warm Up (stretch (5 mins) and Traditions (8 mins))
6:45 PM Music Warm Up (Warm Up B)
7:13 PM Music Ensemble Check
7:43 PM Transition to Gate/Staging
7:53 PM Ready Line
8:00 PM Sandra Day O’Connor Performs
8:15 PM Return to buses to pur away instruments/line up for awards

Students must be wearing their EAGLE PRIDE BAND TRACKSUITS and carrying their Black OC Band backpack with water jug attached when traveling with our group- please keep at least a half full water jug at all times!!*

8:30 PM Awards Ceremony (Drum Majors stay in Uniform)
9:15 PM Return to buses, load up and prepare to depart
9:45 PM Depart for Sandra Day O’Connor High School
11:30 PM Arrive, Unload trailers/buses, put away instruments/uniforms, CLEAN UP
12:30 AM Dismissal


1050 Ruth St, Prescott, AZ 86301, USA

  • [2024-Sep-09 12:44 PM] Maggie Bixler: Updated
  • [2024-Sep-16 12:39 PM] Maggie Bixler: Updated

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