
🎢 DVUSD Invitational 🎡

Tue, 22 Oct
from 5:00pm to 9:30pm

by Maggie Bixler
Posted: 12 days ago
Updated: 12 days ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Arizona
Reminder: 1 week before
Ends: 09:30pm (duration is about 5 hours)

This is an exciting evening where all fans, families and community members come out to support all 5 DV high school marching bands. At this non-competitive event, all marching bands will be performing their shows in addition to performing together! This is a night of celebration and camaraderie amongst us all. This is a small fundraiser for the hosting school so plan to bring some money to purchase lite snacks, purchase a shout out gram or 2 to your favorite student or section and don’t forget to vote for your favorite band director!!! All members are required to attend as we will be treating this like a normal competition evening. Please email Mr. Cilone with any questions. Times are subject to change once final timeline has been released. Mark your calendars and start spreading the word!!!


Boulder Creek High School

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