Stack Team App partner with Cricket Hong Kong, China

8 Nov 2023 by Admin

In conjunction with GameDay we have partnered with Cricket Hong Kong, China to create a streamlined database and communication framework for their High-Performance Pathways division.

The project is designed to ultimately
enhance the digital experience of pathway players and track their
engagement throughout their journey from developing to high performance
athletes, while also providing a valuable cloud-based resource for
cricket administrators across the pathway programmes.

GameDay are incredibly excited to be
working with Cricket Hong Kong, China on this initiative. We see this
partnership as a great opportunity to truly unlock the long-term
potential of the connection between GameDay and Stack Team App from a
database and communication perspective.

We love the vision and drive that the
team at CHKC have, and can see some real value being unlocked for the
organization’s administrators and also the players, coaches, and
administrators that are engaged with the programmes.

Daniel Smith, Stack Team App general
manager, said: “Stack Team App is excited about our new partnership with
Cricket Hong Kong, China. “It is set to be a game-changer,
enhancing communication on and off the field and bringing the Cricket
Hong Kong, China community closer together than ever before.”

Mark Farmer, Cricket Hong Kong, China
men’s talent pathway manager, said: “We are thrilled to announce our
partnership with GameDay, revolutionizing the administration and
operation of our high-performance pathways.

“Our partnership introduces
cutting-edge database and communication solutions, optimizing
administration, stakeholder communication, and player tracking that will
contribute significantly to the continued growth and effectiveness of
our high-performance programmes.”

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