Construction Helpline
• Mitcham, Surrey

How Long Does A CSCS Card Last For?

4 Feb 2021 by Construction Helpline
A CSCS (Construction Skills Certificate Scheme) card is a construction license that certifies that an individual is capable of meeting specific duties on a construction site. Although not a legal requirement, businesses across the UK will be hesitant to hire you if you do not hold a valid CSCS card as they are a vital indicator that a person is ready for the job. There are many different types of CSCS cards intended for different construction role including: Labourer, Apprentice, Technical Supervisor, Manager and Skilled worker cards. So, to summarise, the time that CSCS cards are valid for purely depends on the type of card you get. For example, the Green Labourers Card is valid for 5 years while the Red Provisional Card is valid for just 6 months.

Why do CSCS Cards expire?
The construction industry is a very dynamic environment that is constantly shifting and adopting new technical practices and innovative technologies. When people obtain CSCS cards they must first pass the relevant CITB Health, Safety & Environment Test so that they can keep up with the industry. Essentially, the purpose of a CSCS card is to help construction companies operate safely, effectively and efficiently.

How long does every CSCS card last for and why?
There are two types of CSCS cards: renewable and non-renewable. All the renewable CSCS cards last for 5 years while the non-renewable cards last between 6 months to 4 years. For a detailed explanation on the validity of CSCS cards please visit our website.

Here is a list of CSCS cards that can be renewed:
• CSCS Green Labourers Card: 5 years
• CSCS Green Basic Skills Card: 5 years
• CSCS Blue Skilled Card: 5 years
• CSCS Gold Advanced Craft Card: 5 years
• CSCS Gold Supervisors Card: 5 years
• CSCS Black Managers Card: 5 years
• CSCS White/Yellow Academically Qualified Person Card: 5 years
• CSCS White/Yellow Professionally Qualified Person Card: 5 years
• CSCS Yellow Construction Site Visitor Card: 5 years

What CSCS Cards Are Not Renewable?
A Red CSCS Card gives labourers and workers access to construction sites for a limited time. The limited time that they get is intended for the workers to achieve the specific construction qualification that they are working towards. Once they complete their qualification, they can then apply for a different CSCS card that is a level higher and yields greater importance.

These CSCS cards include:
• CSCS Red Provisional Card: 6 months (you must move up to a Green/Blue Skilled Card after this)
• CSCS Red Trainee Card: 5 years (you must move up to a Blue/Gold Card after this)
• CSCS Red Apprentice Card: 4 years (you must move up to a Blue/Gold Card after this)

There is nothing better than investing into new qualifications and courses while the UK is in lockdown. While everyone is forced to stay at home this is the best time to work on yourself and look for ways of learning new skills and improving your knowledge in your specialised field.

In this difficult period Construction Helpline will continue to be operating and delivering people with industry-leading construction qualifications. To book in a CSCS course go onto our website here, or directly call us on 0207 199 9800.